Le Chien de Creme

Monday, August 15, 2011

Junkin' Luncheon

When you a begin a new adventure you never know what is around the corner!

When I decided a few months ago that the old kitchen table out on my patio would be fun to paint, I didn't realize at the time it was opening me up for new adventures, new interests, new places to visit, and most of all LOTS of NEW FRIENDS!

Deciding to paint that little table led to me researching online about painting furniture, and THAT led me to all kinds of creative and beautiful blogs by women who are doing the very same thing--in many many different ways and styles and colors and paints!   Speaking of PAINTS...who would have thought PAINT would lead me to MEETING some of these extremely talented and fun women that I only read about in cyberspace!!!

Last Thursday, a great lady named Jessica who has a blog named http://stellarjunk.blogspot.com/ organized a get together of women who all live (somewhat) locally to meet up at the oh-so-FABULOUS store belonging to Robyn Story in Tampa http://robynstorydesigns.com/ and gather around some great food, great conversations, great sharing and most of all GREAT PAINT!!!   After having a tour of Robyn's totally cool studio where she gives incredible workshops (I can't wait to take one once my boys are back to school) we all excitedly grabbed paint brushes and wood pieces and got to PLAY with all the fun colors and waxes of ANNIE SLOAN!   It was fun to see what colors people went for and what they did with them!   It was amazing to see how diverse and different lots of little wood pieces could turn out all because we all have our own style and creativity!!

It was so much fun, and our hostess Robyn is always so gracious and sweet!   The best part was making new friends--Kathy http://www.facebook.com/pages/Junk-Drawer-Diva/222694241078241?sk=wall, Jessica, Deena http://highfalootinjunk.com/, Elizabeth http://www.facebook.com/pages/All-Things-Work-Together/101739616550504?sk=info, and Michele http://stiltskinstudios.blogspot.com/!

And, while meeting NEW friends, I got to spend time with a good friend who has decided to take this journey with me, and is now my new PICKER PARTNER!   Watch out, because when our boys go back to school you might see us cramming all kinds of TREASURE in to my van from all ends of FLORIDA!!!   It is fun to have a friend to share the passion with me --so HERE's to CHRISTINE, my fellow hunter of all that need to be redone and made lovely!
Seeing that a bunch of women can be doing somewhat similar things, can be supportive of each other and cheer each other on is so awesome!    We all have our own ideas and love of what we are doing in similar but different ways!!!!   WE ALL NEED EACH OTHERS ENCOURAGEMENT and SUPPORT and I found that in these new friends !  HOORAY!!!    All because of some pots of paint...

WHAT FUN WE ARE ALL HAVING!!  If you want to join in the fun too and win some of Annie Sloan's fabulous paint... CLICK on the LINK below to JOIN the FUN!
Robyn Story Designs and Boutique: "EVERYTHING ANNIE SLOAN" GIVEAWAY

Thursday, August 4, 2011

GREAT new ANNIE SLOAN paint giveaway!!!

Here is a new Annie Sloan paint giveaway!
Check it out!
I hope to win so I can try out some of the new colors!  PURE, FRENCH LINEN and COCO!

Monday, July 25, 2011

How Sweet it is...

To be loved by you...

I finally finished this vanity.  I think I repainted it 4 times before I was satisfied with how it looked.  I don't know what the deal is, but the wax doesn't do the same thing on veneer as it does on real wood and I am still learning how to adjust for that.   I am not very good at wax yet.  I really need to take an Annie Sloan Chalk Paint workshop at Robyn Story Designs.   That is what I am going to ask for for my birthday...

I really need a new laptop too...tho...but it would be so fun to take a workshop and really learn just what the heck I am doing!   I hope to get a little better at this painting furniture thing by the time school starts!   I will have more time to hunt for treasures too!  Right now I am pretty much relying on craigslist to find good items, but I need to be able to drive down to St Pete or Clearwater and scour some of the thrift shops down there. 

I need to have patience, which I don't have a lot of! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I am Woman, Hear Me ROAR!

Ok its not really THAT big of a feat, but I just got this:
and it's an "antique"...but when I got it home I noticed a corner of the top was peeling off---ARRRGGGG---veneer!  YUCK!  I didn't look that closely when I bought it...I guess I was noticing the hardware was in good shape and it has good bones...so I pulled on a corner of the veneer--and a whole piece stripped right off!!!   I peeled and peeled and got that whole darn veneer off the top of the vanity/desk!   YIPPPEEEE!   It was pretty easy, except for sweating my tail off in my garage. 

Now the top is bare and ready for some fun!!

See the hardware is kind of funky!  I should have stopped at www.robynstorydesigns.com  for some new paint!   Oh, well, maybe it will be country gray just like everything else! 

To be continued...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What I am

I now know what kind of table this is:

Drum roll please.....
Its called a
Pembroke table, light, drop-leaf table designed for occasional use, probably deriving its name from Henry Herbert, 9th Earl of Pembroke(1693–1751), a noted connoisseur and amateur architect. The table has two drawers and flaps on either side that can be raised by brackets on hinges (known as “elbows”) to increase its size. Usually provided with casters (it was often used for bedside meals), the legs of the common English versions, as illustrated by Thomas Sheraton and others, are supported or reinforced by X-shaped stretchers.
In the United States a distinctive type of support, shaped like a lyre, became popular toward the end of the century. It is also known as a flap and elbow table
Now I can rest!
I also can paint it since someone had already done the honors of sanding it down and the drawer is missing.  So even if it was worth a million, it isn't now!   

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What am I?

Part of the fun of finding a "treasure" (or to some, trash) is trying to figure out where it came from, how old it is, who made it, and is it worth anything?  After a fun jaunt to the flea market with my girlfriends, I sat and stared at this little table I got for $5 (it seemed like a great deal at the time) and realized it is basically a Frankenstein of a mess of a piece of furniture.  Instead of being one particular type, it seems to be many different parts all throw together into one. 

A good place to start when you are trying to figure out a piece of furniture is to study the legs.  Googling "table legs" will bring up many different kinds of legs on tables so you can somewhat identify what style your table is.  This isn't foolproof for identifying the authenticity or age of something, but it will give you a start on the style, reproduction or real thing  (that is a whole other issue)... Queen Anne, Victorian, Louis xv, whatever...the legs are a great clue...in my case, the legs are straight with a long vertical lines carved in them...of course I can't find anything on the internet about that. 

Another clue to whether something is an antique or not is the hardware.  My table also has drop down sides.  That is popular on many antiques.  In the case of my table, the little swing out parts that keep up the sides are kept in place with two plain nails.  I am guessing the lack of real hardware indicates that it was handmade and not by machine.  The man at the flea market guessed it was made in the 1940s but who the heck knows if he knew what he was talking about.

What really confuses me about this table is the mixed styling.  The crossed supports on the bottom are quite fancy and perhaps were added later, since they look like they are machine cut.  To me they look victorian?  There are also little corner decorations that look victorian.  And then there is the rope detailing on the front and back. 

Someone had already sanded it down, so I guess there is no sense in trying to keep the integrity of the table up.  Maybe I shouldn't think so hard about it and just have fun painting it!!!

And to close, I would like to share the great Paul Simon's words:
"One man's ceiling is another man's floor"

Monday, June 27, 2011

Antique stores, craft fairs and Craigslist--Oh my!!

So I scoured some antique stores, went to a craft fair and spent endless hours on my computer looking at furniture on craiglist this weekend ( I was on a mini-getaway with hubby so I wasn't ignoring my children during these endless hours).  Oh and I also visited a delightful shop called Blue Dahlia's in Clearwater.  She has the most incredible things, and is a very sweet lady.  Besides many fabulous furniture pieces she sells all kinds of interesting jewelry-most handmade by designers, a line of dresses and clothing with the most amazing lace dresses  I have ever seen!   Oh to be young and/or thin again!  I would snatch up one of those dresses for sure!  Anyway, an interesting thing I noticed was that a lot of the stores I visited had distressed, antiqued and handpainted furniture as their displays--not necessarily for sale--but as part of the decor of the stores.  It is a very popular and useful thing!  I only wish I could figure out how to get people to buy my furniture for displays!   Hmmm, that's something to explore. 

I am also MADLY on the search for a french daybed/settee/couch like this one:

This is for sale at the Blue Dahlia in Clearwater...
OMG if I can be head-over-heels in love with a piece of furniture, this would be it!!!  It makes my heart go pitty-pat (much as a 5 carat flawless diamond ring would do)

If I had the $$ I would buy it and chuck out all of my living room furniture and have that as my couch.  Or maybe even chuck my guest bed for this...WOW.  So now I can only hope I can find one somewhere to make my own.  Of course I would have to have that luxuriously insanely beautiful cover/upholstry on it too!!! It is kind of gauzy and off white.

OK, back to reality...whew..I did actually have an out of body experience just thinking about it...
These are a few of my finds this weekend:

I can't wait to get started!  And Marley is excited too!!!  

Friday, June 24, 2011

Gave up on the stripes

I gave up on the stripes and finally just repainted my chair all one color.  I actually like it a lot better now!  I need to find the perfect little pillow for it, but the one I used in the picture is ok.  I need to go hit some stores this weekend!   My hubby and I are taking a little "staycation" and going only over the bridge from Tampa to Clearwater for a little R & R...I am secretly hoping for rain so I can spend most of the time shopping!  I am dying to go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/bluedahliamarketplace  to check it out with no kiddies to whine or break anything!   I took them to a thrift shop  yesterday and you would have thought I took them to juvenile detention!  Oh, it was just the worst time for them, and oh so booooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrring....I guess I need to look for my fun finds on my own!!!  Here is a picture of my chair, with the temporary pillow!

My bathroom cabinets are all done too!   I am really excited how great they turned out!!  I used Caromel Colors paint, which has a wonderful country distressed look!  I think they look fabulous!!!  Now only hoping my husband doesn't see the black spots on the wall where I let my boys help me paint!  OOPS!   These things are better left to when he is out of town!!!

I am going to take a break this weekend from painting, but I am sure I will wake up in the middle of the night thinking of my next project!!   I have 4 more chairs to paint just like the first one!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My fingers are pruned and raw..but its coming along!

So this painting, sanding, staining, rubbing steel wool, washing my hands 100 times has taken it's toll on my fingers and fingernails...but my chair is coming along!  I am sure it will look good once it is finished!  Anyone want to buy it?  No idea what to price it.  I guess it depends on how much blood, sweat and tears I feel like I have put into it at the end (not really blood but LOTS of sweat and maybe a few tears from my kids who have been abandoned and neglected over my new hobby!!)   Not really, I still feed them and get them chocolate milk.   They are getting really good at beating all of the Lego Harry Potter wii levels tho...isn't that what summer is all about?   

I found myself awake last night in the middle of the night thinking about how I want to do the other 4 chairs I have.   Do I want to make them match and paint them a simple color?   Or do I want to get really creative and paint each one different but cool?   I have this fear of having tons of chairs in my garage doing nothing if I paint them all as individuals and just giving them away!   I never was a very good salesman anyway!!!   So, if you are a friend of mine, give me your ideas for colors because you just may end up with a new chair for free!   (especially when my husband decides my new hobby isn't cute anymore and wants to put his car in the garage)....

Pix later, apparently Blogger doesn't want to upload right now...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Welcome to my new adventure!

I  have just embarked on a new adventure-painting old discarded furniture to turn it into something lovely and loved again!  I have been scouring the web, blogs, and facebook for ideas and have found myself being all consumed!   My first project was an old table that used to be our kitchen table, it took much abuse and was banished to the outside porch.  I hand-sanded, tried an electric sander (which I found to be really heavy and harder than regular sanding), bought sandpaper that was stripper, bought liquid stripper, and finally just started painting the sucker!  I distressed it after painting it using regular sandpaper and beat it up with a screwdriver,  bottle opener and hammer...after that I applied a coat of glaze/stain combo and wiped off.   The end result turned out pretty good!!   Above are the before and after!

Next I decided to refinish a little sewing/end table that I have.   I did more research and I came across the most fabulous paint
 It is chalk paint that literally transforms furniture into a thing of beauty, but ALSO doesn't require sanding or priming!   A dream come true!   I also got a lot of tips and advice from Michele at Stiltskin Studios .  I follow her blog so check her out on the right!!

The table I refinished turned out great!!   Here it is:

SO!  My next journey is a bunch of chairs I bought from a nice man on craiglist...I plan on doing each chair separately, so we shall see how they turn out!!
Here is a preview:

All taped up and ready for some stripes!!!

I am also redoing the cabinets in one of my bathrooms black!  
Will share that when I am finished!!!
Thank you for checking out my new blog (my old one disappeared!)